Thursday, February 10, 2011
How Long For Cat Dewormer To Work?
image: Satan in the heart of Hell - Dante's Inferno 33, painted by Gustave Dore
Today I have to learn once again that the little people in Germany, nasty, selfish, sneaky bastards are. They are as few "isolated cases" such as the Muslim crime is composed of "individual cases". This is the mass of the people. If a lot, very lucky, you learn in life to know a few who are not so (you get to know many who claim to be so, but their behavior punishes sooner or later, her words lies).
There is something fundamentally incompatible with the mentality of the Germans.
As conservatives might say now: Oh, I wish for better people! I am even to become utopians? Do I want to re-educate the people?
Two things to these considerations would be wrong:
Our company provides not just that the lack of perfection of man is compensated as much as possible. Our institutions are not structured so that they would punish selfishness, deceit, hatred and denunciation - on the contrary, those properties are still rewarded!
People are already re-educated! The here described nastiness, deceit and general snotty German is not their natural and not their culture grown condition! No, they were transferred to blinkers materialists who say, although not error-free rate, let as can write, but know by heart all their rights, brought up!
- W hen we not to realize that the materialism, the self-realization, the Global Insulation not only false but unhealthy, are so deadly, then I have no hope that we can still save this country.
triggers the void cause (which, incidentally, also fully compatible with the shit that has experienced the reader will now most likely be replaced) is a renewed deep sigh about what's right is wrong in our society.
Welcome to hell!
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