Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Herpes On The Viginia

Ars Amatoria 1, 01-38

Proöm Book 1

(1) Si quis in hoc artem populo non novit amandi,
hoc legat et LECTO carmine doctus amet.
(1) If any one does not know to love this people the art of
let him read this and after reading it he should be taught to love.
(3) Arte cita veloque rates remoque reguntur,
arte leves Currus: arte regendus amor.
(3) Fast ships are guided by the art of sailing and rowing,
through art (also) (directed) the car: the art (must also) love (be guided).
(5) Curribus Automedon lentisques erat aptus habenis,
Tiphys doll in Haemonia magister erat:
(5) Automedon was suitable for weighing and flexible (slow) reins ,
Typhis was a master on the aft deck Haemon.
(7) me Venus artifice tenero praefecit Amori,
Typhis et Automedon dicarboxylic Amoris ego.
(7) Venus has entrusted me to lead the tender love,
like me and you Typhis Automedon name of love.
(9) Ille et qui est mihi puerum ferus ALLR repugnet:
sed puer est, aetas mollis apta regi.
(9) That is indeed wild and one who may be opposed to me often:
but he is a boy that age to be drawn mild and suitable.
(11) Phillyrides puerum cithara perfecit Achilles
atque animos placida contudit arte FEROS.
(11) Phillyrides the young Achilles has completed with the lute (the lute fully expanded)
and he smashed the savage souls with quiet art.
(13) Qui toti socios, Toti exterruit hostes,
creditur annosum pertimuisse senem.
(13) From him, who so often the ally who has so often frightens the enemy very,
is believed that he feared the aged old man.
(17) Aeacidae Chiron, ego sum praeceptor Amoris;
saevus uterque puer, natus uterque deus
(17) I am a teacher of love, Chiron of AECID;
everyone is a wild boy, each born of a G & # 246; goddess.
(19) Sed tamen et tauri cervix oneratur Aratro,
frenaque magnanimi dente teruntur equi:
(19) But the neck of the bull will still be charged with a plow, and the reins of a proud
horse will be crushed by the teeth.
(21) et mihi cedet Amor, quamvis mea
vulneret arcu pectora iactatas excutiatque faces.
(21) and differs from me the love, though he may
hurt my chest with the borrowing and he would hurl their torches.
(23) Quo me fixit Amor, quo me violentius ussit,
hoc Melior facti vulneris Ultor ero.
(23) The more I Amor attached, the more violent he has put me in love ', the more
a better revenge for the wounds made I will be.
(25) Non ego, Phoebe, datas a te mihi mentiar artes,
nec nos aeria voce monemur avis,
(25) I will not lie to me the arts of Phoebus has been given, we will neither reminds
by the voice of the flying bird in the air,
(27) nec mihi sunt visa Clio Cliusque Sorores
Servantie pecudes vallibus, Ascra, tuis.
(27) nor I are Clio and the Clio's sisters
herding your sheep in the Taell of Ascra appeared.
(29) Usus opus Movet hoc: vati parete perito!
Vera CanAm. Coeptis, mater Amoris, ades!

(29) The Experience of the use moves this: obey the experienced poet!
May I sing the truth. Help me with projects at, loving mother!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Genital Warts Have Ruined My Life

The structure of the textbook

(35) Principio, quod amare Velis, reperire labora,
qui nunc primum nova miles in arma venis;
(35) First work (it) to find love what you want ,
the soldier you now come for the first time in new weapons.
(37) est proximus Huic laboratory placitam exorare puellam;
Tertius, ut longo tempore duret amor.
(37), the next work is the girl who likes to soften by prayers;
the third, that the love may last for a long time.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Supplemental Freshman Questionnaire

Be an expert hunter!

(39) Dum licet et loris passim potes ire solutis,
elige, cui dicas "tu mihi sola places."
(39) If it is allowed you with loosened reins go anywhere,
choose from, what you say "you like you own me."
(41) Haec tibi non tenues veniet delapsa per auras.
Quaerenda est apta puella tuis oculis.
(41) This is not you just come to you, after being slipped through the air.
The right girl is to look with your eyes.
(43) Scit bene venator, ubi Cervis retia patient data,
SCIT bene, qua frends valle moretur Snow.
(43) The hunter knows well where he would relax the network for the doe
he knows well where the gnashing boar in may stop the valleys.
(45) Aucupibus noti frutices; qui sustinet hamos,
novit, quae multo Pisca natentur aquae.
(45) The bushes the bird-catcher are known, which hold up the fishing,
know which waters are beschwommen of many fish.
(47) Tu quoque, qui longo materiam quaeris amori,
quo ante frequented disc sit puella loco.
(47) also you who are looking for the material of the long love of learning, previously of where the girl should stay.

Tanned Female Swimmers

Rome is full of enchanted bender girls


(49) Tot ibi tamque dabit fomosas Roma puellas,
"haec habet" ut dicas "quicquid in orbe fuit".
(49) Rom wird dir so viele bezaubernde Mädchen dort geben, ...
(51) Quot caelum stellas, tot habet tua Roma puellas:
mater in Aeneae constitit urbe sui.
(51) Wieviele Sterne der Himmel, soviele Mädchen hat Rom:
Venus hat sich in ihrer City established.
(53) Seu caperis primis annis et adhuc cresentibus,
ante oculus veniet vera puella Lateltin;
(53) Either you're caught in the young and growing years,
then the real girls from your eyes are.
(55) immersive Cupis iuvenem, iuvenes tibi mille place colorful:
cogeris voti nescius esse tui;
(55) or you will seek a young woman, young women you like 1000:
you are forced to be your desire to be ignorant.
(57) seu te forte et sera iuvat sapientior aetas,
hoc quoque, crede mihi, plenius AGMEN erit.
(57), it Pleased to happen, the rich and wiser age,
this too, believe me, will be too full.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

How Fast Does A 250cc Engine On A Dune Buggy Go

best hunting ground: the theatrical

(59) Sed tu praecipue curvis Benares theatris:
haec loca sunt voto fertiliora tuo.
(59) But you lurked especially in the curved Theater:
these places are quite productive for your request.
(61) Illic invenies quod ames, quod ludere Possis,
quoque semel tangas, quodque tenere Velis.
(61) There you'll find love what you may come to flirt with what you may like, and what may you touch
once, and what do you think may see.
(63) Ut redit itque frequented longum formica per AGMEN,
granifero Solitum cum vehit ore cibum,
(63) As the long train ants to return often and goes, the usual food grains in your mouth contribute to Bring
(65) aut ut apes saltusque Suos et olentia nactae
pascua by flores et thyma summa volant.
(65) or how the bees after they reach their forested valleys and fragrant pastures, through the flowers and the highest thyme fly.
(67) Sic ruit ad celebres cultissima femina Ludos.
Copia iudicium meum est ALLR morata.
(67) Thus, the well-groomed woman rushes to the well-attended games.
My opinion is often hindered by the crowd.
(69) Spectatum veniunt, veniunt spectentur ut ipsa. Ille locus casti
damna pudoris habet.
(69) You come to look, they come so that they are even considered.
That place has the damage of the chaste modesty.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Annealing Temperatures Calculator

Metamorphoses - Apollo and Daphne

(1) Primus amor Phoebi Daphne Peneia:
quem non Ignara fors dedit, sed saeva Cupidinis ira.
(1) The first love of Apollo's Daphne:
this has not devoted the unknown chance, but the fierce anger Cupid.
(3) Delius hunc Nuper victo serpente superbus
viderat adducto flectentem cornua nervo.
(3) Apollo, proud of the victory the other day against the snake,
has seen it, the zurückbog the end of the bow, after he had strained the tendon.
(5) " Quid" que " tibi, lascivious puer, cum armis fortibus? Dixerat
, " ista decent umeros admit amina nosotros! "
(5) And " Was sind d ir, herausfordender Junge, starken Waffen?"
hat er gesagt,
„diese Bewaffnung, ziemt unsere Schultern!"
(7) Filius huic Veneris „ Figat tuus omnia, Phoebe,
te meus arcus," ait, „ quantoque animalia cedunt
cuncta deo, tanto minor esta tu gloria nostra!"
(7) Der Sohn der Venus hat zu diesem gesagt: „ Möge dein Bogen alles Meet Phoebus, mine you, go and how big the whole animal to God, the smaller your fame as our "
(24)" There mihi perpetua, genitor carissime " dixit,
"Virginitate frui, dedit hoc pater ante Diana.
(24) She said, "Dear Father, give me to enjoy perpetual virginity", which has previously been the father of Diana.
(26) Ille quidem obsequitur: "sed te decor iste, quod Optas, !
eat vetat votoque tuo tua forma repugnat "
(26) That indeed obeyed:" But your beauty forbids to be, what you wish
and your face is in contrary to your wishes.
(28) Phoebus amat visaeque Cupit conubia Daphnes,
quodque Cupit, sperate; suaque illum Oracula fallunt.
(28) Phoebus loves and desires the marriage to Daphne, after he had seen her, what he desires
, he hopes, deceive his oracles former.
(30) Utque leves stipules demptis adolentur aristis,
sic deus in flammas abiit, sic pectore toto
uritur sterile sperando nutrit et amore.
(30) How the minor stubble burned after the magnetosphere had been taken,
so God left in the fire, it burns all over the breast and feeds the barren love
by hope.
(37) Si qua latent meliora putat. Fugit ocior
aura illa levi neque ad haec revocantis verba restitit:
(37) If any are hidden, he considers them to be better. Those flies faster than the slight breeze and it is also not stood still on these words of the previous caller:
(39) "mane Nympha, precor, Penei! Non hostis insequor!
Nympha mane!
(39) Nymph, I pray you, daughter Peneische stay! I follow not the enemy!
nymph stay!
(40) sic agna lupum, Cerva leonem sic, sic
aquilam penna fugiunt trepidante columbae,
hostes quaeque Suos!
(40) So the lamb from the wolf, the deer before the lion.
flee as the pigeons with frightened wings before the eagle
each from its enemies.
(42) Amor est mihi causa sequendi! (42) I love is the reason to follow.
(43) Me miserum! No pronation CADAS indignave
injure crura emer Sentes et sim tibi causa doloris!
(43) Poor me! May you not fall down the slope and the thorns
like to be your legs, which are unworthy of scratch wounded, not, and I may
for you not because of the pain.
(45) Aspera, qua Properase, loca sunt. Moderatius, oro,
curre fugamque Inhib! Moderatius ipse insequar.
(45) The places to which you are hurrying rough. Moderate you, I
run and delaying the flight! Excessive I will follow itself.
(47) Cui tamen placeas, inquire! Non Incola montis, non ego sum
pastor, non hic armenta gregesque horridus observo.
(47) but ask yourself, who likes you! I am not a resident of the mountain,
Not Great, not bristly here I am guarding the cattle herds and flocks earth.
(49) Nescis, temeraria, nescis, quem fugias, ideoque fugis.
Mihi Delphica tellus et Claros et Tenedos Pataraeque servit regia.
(49) You do not know Unbesonnne, you do not know from whom you fly, and why thou flee
I used the Delphi and Claros and earth, h. nigshaus of Patara.
(52) Jupiter est genitor. estque Per me, quod eritque fuitque
, Patet; per me concordant carmina Nervi.
(52) Jupiter is the father. By me open, what will be
has been and is, by my vote the songs with the strings match.
Jupiter is the father.