Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Invitation Suggestions For A 35th Birthday

Go shit, Mayzek!

You may please not be surprised about my anger and my abusive language.

After the first few rows this article it was clear that the brawn of either Ströbele Ghost Writer or a bottle like the Vorzeigemohammedaner Mayzek (FDP - for those who remember him, he has not come off!) Was written can be.

He goes to all the lies and half truths that you can fly through the connection of Islam with the West indicated. I am reminded of earlier texts from him - he always writes the same namely Schmu. Someone with more patience I should check times, what percentage of Mayzek itself depreciates, I guess 90%.

shines on talk shows he is not just by arguments. But that is not his strategy. He will not convince, but to win, dominate the conversation. He puffed up, sülzt always the same shit to himself and when someone says that critical, then always get the same response: "Yes, yes, I know your lyre, Mr Bosbach!"

We Leave the fingers sore to you the truth to keep in mind. While we are persecuted and imprisoned for our opinion should people who destroy our culture do continue through the talk shows and parties, hiking, participating in public events and give their two cents to everything and everyone.

Islam has always been a stumbling block to progress, any cultural achievement, which the Arabs have made, they have made AGAINST Islam, to defend against him.

If the women do not laugh in Afghanistan under their veil may be the ne cultural particularity when an Arab to be mathematicians is Islam .. thank?

No, folks, it's REVERSED!

Read Manfred Book and our articles on Islamic history in the Counterjihad.

What have you learned in school is bullshit. Europe, Islam has brought nothing but war, suffering and death. Until the 19th Century Islamic slave traders have made the European coasts is uncertain, the Turks have always ausgeplünder Austrian villages, until they finally struck back. Today they are - not through the back but the front door - again came in and act on German roads as well as their ancestors. And I just do not come now "so are not even all" with If only it would be one, that would be reason enough at least to send him home. The massive jihad on our roads but we have to have a war (say "internal war", at least a "war-like situation" in it should be) talking.

And Michel heaps it not because he just looks and reads the evening news daft shit from Mayzek at WO. That the comments are overwhelmingly negative consolation only in passing.

is hottest at this sentence:

"And to this day Euro-Arab Malta, the European-Muslim Balkans, the Orient from culturally imbued Sicily and the 500-year-old enclave the Muslim Tatars in Poland are an A fitting testimony of Muslim presence in Europe. "

's right, Muslim from the raids to capture the child's kidnapping and the attempt Europe are a testimony of ethnic war that was waged against Southern Europe (" mixing "is a too feeble word for mass rapes of occupiers).

Open your eyes, people, let not kidding you!

these liars up their cause too safe. If the people will wake up once they pass before the malicious grin. I wait with longing for the day on which they receive what they deserve.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Breach Of Confidentiality In Daycare

The three major injuries

It has in everyday life far too rarely have time to deal with their own spirituality, to ask the right questions - possibly even get answers.

I often envy the Christians who communicate once a week with her Lord in Gruppenextase and also as an individual at any time hold an unofficial conversation with him.

I have something serious, because I find other approaches to God than the Christian must, for reasons which I have already discussed too well.

Sometimes you get lucky, however, and may reside in a cloudless night outside major cities and take a long look at the stars.

One thing that was thought lost, is found in such a moment now and again:


And you realize that the stars are not infinitely distant suns as they're not. No doubt they are just that, as we know through research that is not the problem. The problem is the underlying ideology, which we regard as a mistake, "science".

Freud is one of three major injuries of man through science:

  1. to the Copernican, not the center of the universe be
  2. The Darwinist, being descended from apes
  3. The
  4. to be Freudian, not the master of your own spirit.

Undoubtedly, No. 3 just a test of one's own pseudo-scientific "theory" credibility and a heroic gloss to give.

Most of Freud's assumptions are based on the analysis of hysterical women, and he makes countless unproven assumptions.

Just one example: for Freud dreams are always dreams. Thus, if a mother dreams that her son would run over by a train, then it is not worried - no! She wants to have sex with her son (who does not believe me read Freud's Interpretation of Dreams - but at your own risk).

I am convinced that an intelligent, healthy adult men (women not me out because I find it unreasonable to believe, but because I am not a woman and therefore has no inner insight into the female Readers are called here to make communication) has no unconscious.


Already in from today's perspective rather prudish society in which Freud's research, knew one who was capable of self-reflection, which it desires drives. Often, and one is not honest enough to admit subliminal aversion or greed, but if one is used to want to even in the dialogue, then you can own up to quite, to the neighbor's wife to be sharp - and especially by raising awareness this drive the otherwise pre fall (or a substitute) to prevent.

Exactly this is also what Freud does in his "psychoanalysis" - He tries to make the patients aware of their unconscious, so that they can act rationally again.

is not permitted its generalization to all people.

The alleged unconscious is still a weapon in the fight against the self-employed people. Psychiatrist and shrink us take the ability of our own problems to get a grip. The increase of mental disorders in recent years is easily explained by the simultaneously occurring Vermerhung of psychological practices.

So much for Freud.

descended from the apes seems to me not necessarily being an insult, even if many Christians and Muslims see it that way. Where are we supposed to come from if not from the animal kingdom? (Yes, yes, I know. I hear the message well but lack of faith).

bad it is only when we see with this origin, the philosophical question 'where do we come from? "Answered conclusively (see eg Precht" who I am and if so how many "Chapter 1) . Then we reduce ourselves to the matter and our mind goes to sleep.

So it is with the stars. It may be that the earth is only a speck of dust in an infinitely large and infinitely dead universe. So what?

Actually, such a recognition result in one's own existence as no longer regarded as important. The opposite is the case! Alone the infinite universe, there are compared to the individual as the only anchor themselves an unnatural fear of his own demise and a focus of desire to, tangible, quickly satisfying needs is the result. This is a bowl depression that paralyzes action. It's so small! Total individual freedom can be such only by to drink completely unconscious (to smoke pot, etc.).

bonds against it - worldly bonds - are the ones we are back to the universe, able to build up to something bigger. Anyone who has children is committed at least half the lifetime of care of them, who are socially committed determines the life around him, instead taking refuge in the solitude of thought or virtual worlds, who is fighting for his country shows that of the aforementioned things are important enough that he is giving his own life to achieve this. He proves that he can think beyond themselves. If you start to build a church, their completion, he will not live with security, has embraced this principle.

The described behind the type of "scientific" and the philosophy of the Enlightenment ideology of unfettered individualism Related to atrophy and Beyond has the ability in us to such over them.

We urge all the pleasures of the world for us, but are not ready to produce a future generation, which can just enjoy these pleasures.

Modern man is not finished, it is an end.

Allen, I like the answers to their questions can not find in Christianity, is in for a rocky road, a search on spiritual paths not known before, the redevelopment of the spiritual forces of Europe. I would be pleased if our Christian brothers and sisters to us in this way with words and deeds stood if we could learn from each other instead of us to understand as the enemy.

Ultimately, the realization that together, we will only be able to win instead of reamed us in endless confrontations, of central importance. verherrte

as 1755, a Lisbon earthquake led to the New edition of the theodicy. Why does God do this?

And we face the big bang question why our enemies are so strong and we are so weak. And we despair at the thought of having to pass this war without the assistance of a Tranzsendenz.

Dear comrades, my brothers and sisters, let me show you that the divine spark in you all the slumbers. Then you will have the courage to find upcoming weeks to get through the darkness and move forward into a new era.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Timex Indiglo Alarm Clock Instructions T619t


After 3 day Dütsch country bini glad channi again chattering like me de Schnabel gwachse manner. For s'Gschäft bini yes to the new program s workshop, where's nöchschtens eus uf s'Aug drucked. InDesign is called the thing. Eastern nöd much as andersch s'ander, numerical and lush with gspickt allner can think of menus and options. Nearly 10% I will devo chönne bruche. Anyway. De erscht days severally thus ziemli aastrengend gsi and nöd würkli uf d'zuegschnitte participants. Fully ko simmer Dänner aaschlüssend go and eat mitenand nacheme churze nightcap in the hotel, gli is Zeinli. EN 2 Days would decide gsi exciting manner, will exactly abgstimmt uf eus. In no time table d'Ziit rooms gsi and mer eus hands it to the taxi Bstellt station. And what manner because cho waseli was ... Dene three daily highlight mis vo ...

Pforzheim severally Susch nöd würkli size: exciting, but it shows vo de schönschte Siite

etz au I know again why I like to ride nöd train. De Heiweg Fascht manner no mutated to Adventure. Euse train size: Verspötig, Folgezug nöd waiting, driving, no meh ... that is, after endless Ziit uf chalten station simmer over Dänner Detour and almost no Verspötig aaglangt arrived. D trains are on time or no zueverlässig with e luggage disaster. Retour de hammering Dänner grad iibaut detour and are well keep wenigschtens glandet dehei. Conclusion, en train hani uf gstriche to another. Looking forward uf mis gem, but there weissi han wasi ;-) and if klappet nöd, channi me a straight-nose de neh.

Morn hammering MINI-GM. Git safely back en exciting Abig with total Lüüt nice. But in the manner Bescht Amig mini companion. The 3 gröschte Cavaliers sorged always Rundi Aafahrt. Chunnt guet ...

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

1980s Areobic Thong Leotard

officials fever

"Officials and the philosopher draw their strength from the kind of realism."

Frederick the Great

Dostoyevsky describes in "The Idiot" the typical clerk: Real power is completely bar his whole world from the customer, the form does not issue or deny the train ticket. These treasury of the insignificance induced craving, the author calls "officials fever."

the occasion of the re-exhibited interchangeability of our political "elite" it seems to me one time to be on the civil service and its aftermath reflect.

What Germany (next to the army of millions of foreigners, which until now continuing occupation by the victorious powers, and a tribute to all the world) is holding down the bureaucracy.

office democracy means rule the official. The official, whether on ministerial level or at the counter next door but is a public servant. He is not employee of the state, but a servant . He is the state, which means the political system, required to obey .

But there is this class of servants?

you rule over us, the "normal" people by the bureaucratic arbitrariness served. All the paragraphs and arcane laws that are supposedly there so that we can enforce our rights against the state, only serve the purpose of this arbitrariness to lend an aura of legitimacy.

Franz Kafka has described the condition of the rule of officials very nice example of the "process" in which the main character is told succinctly, she was arrested and charged - which offenses he is accused, it conceals the information. The protagonist must now write down all his life, wondering what he could have committed sin. Similarly, in "The Castle", where the hero of the story who wants to lock does not come out of the village from the castle, and how does in a nightmare on the spot. The younger ones, do not know anymore who was Kafka, remember maybe "conquered Rome Asterix" Asterix at the film in which one of the checks that the Gauls are imposed, the fact is that, in the "house, the crazy" makes the pass A38 should apply ..

We all know that feeling of powerlessness against the bureaucratic complex. The anger is further reinforced that officials understand in very rare cases, some of their field.

The unemployed person who takes the journey to Canossa on themselves, and the Support begging, is faced with a class of people who know his situation at all and therefore can not be assessed. As an employee in public service for them is the real economic world in which power and assertiveness are - and even a good portion of these virtues often not enough - strange. They fart in your chair and pay for itself in time, expect that they will one day accommodation.

expected at each office to the "customer" of the state the same: obese, portly dirt bags that are good for nothing and a real professional displace their broken lives, by harass those seeking help. Abgeschmettert complaints, rather, their own oh-so-impossible situation and complained about the poor supplicant blasphemed who have accidentally brought the wrong form.

inflates In health care, the administration so much in so much that the co-insured in the family insurance Turkish grandparents are against a negligible income. Doctors and other medical personnel, such as midwives are required to produce endless paper waste, because they have to record every shit. For years, physicians in private practice in part started alongside physician assistants administrative professionals set.

Add to that the administrative machinery of the funds and insurance companies, many of them, like the employees in the consortium also, incidentally, are qualified lawyers who have found no place in the legal sector. This contributes unfortunately not just the conditions.

The right most hated officials, are the teachers. Most of them actually choose the profession only because of the holiday and security and such a breed of people find it also in the schools. Who's first civil servants, which can happen no more, therefore, on the back burner worked. Since the children are much more complicated today than earlier, no one can expect more of the teachers that they engage in educational purposes with the "scum".

Woe to him with the official whose "customer" he is, has a problem! Appeal body is a foreign word for the bureaucrats, as well as contact person. Supervisors seem to the officials also have not if they do, they keep their wards, no matter how incompetent and corrupt they are - dare I simply the heretical suggestion that they are at least as incompetent and corrupt as their subordinates.

An entire social class wallows in its inefficiency. And they do not even notice that they are parasites, no, they think they are hard working, honest citizens!

And I come not with "were not all so" or "My clerk is really competent" or "the Klassenlehrr my niece is totally committed." Had to generalizations I recently told my part.

The Post gutgetan privatization, finally you wait no more than three hours if you want to give up a package. The endless series of glitches train would also be a private company does not happen. The state could so, how that is done on lines already in possession of the rail network remain, and lease it to private entrepreneurs, instead of controlling a parastatal GmbH more bad than good (our state is so known not even as a limited liability company) .

And the eternal Genöhle of EON, Vattenfall and co! What would happen if we were to expropriate them and in the power state Hand abgäbe (a demand of the left, if I remember correctly)?

You would always make a written request before the light turns on!

how it looks, dear friends, as you can about the robber capitalism grumble as you want.

The fact that the big companies all state support, whenever they demand it, while the small entrepreneurs to look into the tube, only a marginal note be it. Free competition is not in the system provided BRD!

The "lone wolves" are caught in the rat race of the loan repayment (it's actually just a euphemism for over-indebtedness of the "debt trap" to speak), the adults have colleagues in the Reichstag or the same in Parliament. W as is again at the barn door of the Animal Farm?

Now would I like to come up with a tip on how to successfully resisted the bureaucratic arbitrariness. But I have none. The power the bureaucracy is absolute, so long as it is protected by the system. With a stamp or a stroke, the bureaucrats destroy livelihoods, whole areas dedicate the fall - and enjoy it.

However, if you realize that the power of the bureaucracy finds its limit, where the power of the system stops, it can be seen without risking severe headache, which way in the fight against the bureaucracy for action.

If the bureaucrats no longer protected by a thoroughly corrupt state apparatus will be, then the long Volkeswut choked down on them unloaded. At the small clerk, which the form would not budge, same as the big offenders.

"A specialist is an expert who knows more and more of less and less until eventually he knows everything about nothing."

Ambrose Bierce

Tongue Pierce Philippines

Our German talents

Why do we need

actually these "foreign experts" at all?

Our domestic "experts" are all but all-rounder.

knew who three days ago because the talent up there? None, right? But who is now the job of him here:

And here he now makes the job of Dr. to and who had to leave because he does not endured that all of his cheating rumgeritten in the promotion are.

I used to think (I was really naive!). the politicians would in the special area set, which they understand something. The above so the job took over from him here:

Gollum clone (the resemblance is really striking) was long considered the incarnation of the German need for security. One would have turn off a movie, entitled "Interior Minister with a passion." And all of a sudden "hey presto" - makes the holding of finances. Is almost the same!

Also the change from family to work seems to be readily available. Instead of "more nursery places" calls (you noticed that the Berlin Bosses always ask, and never do what?) Is now simply a quota of women in the company. Is almost dasgleiche, or expressions of the same man-hating ideology.

exaggerated by the media "affair Guttenberg" takes us once again remember that our politicians do not have personal qualities that we should expect from people of role models really.

proves Roulette The Minister, however, that in Berlin is not going to solve our problems (in which case you would put the best man for the job in the chair), but only to the supply of its own officials with lucrative posts.

That Guttenberg diets until the end of March receive only worth a footnote in this sick system of party line and profile disorder.

Like many others ...

... he shall not starve. The rule of thumb for German politicians: Each year in office means ten cliques that a permit after leaving the continued earning.

Not that he would have needed ...

is safe ... but surely.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Do You Put Eye Creme On Your Eyelids Too


of Barbarossa

In the affair of the former Defence Minister, and for death of another German soldiers last week, is the use of armed forces once again in the spotlight and come in for criticism. should

sake of completeness, hereby once again be detained, what it is there in Afghanistan is all about really.

It is about 5 things:

first To the credit of the war itself, so to weaponry and ammunition. Each Income, which is given the same time means profit for anyone.

second To the merit of the drug from poppy cultivation. This is handled by the CIA.

third Securing access to natural resources the country.

4th Creation of a U.S. government-loyal (and thus any time military access to the region) in the "front yard" of Russia

5th Earn the reconstruction. The construction of road network, telephone network, radio telephone networks, railways, public infrastructure, etc. - all this has been shared between them.

And get this rebuilding the country by the World Bank loans ;-).

If the people will be there soon, think even really have got democracy, and the deselect of the United States to power sophisticated government in democratic elections, so the new government torture instruments national debt demonstrated and called for, not just interest, but from now to pay for eradication.

Since this is not possible, we shall then mercifully some interest, and the new government is on course to be related.

Actually quite simply, the whole thing.

Sailboat Project Sale

Something must have happened, which must not notice any ...

Something terrible has happened in the world and we will not notice it, I'll bet this blog!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Free Kate Playground 2010

Erdogan in Dusseldorf

course it is unacceptable that this type to produce here and now so can not and should.

And of course we must all take our own conscience, that we allow this!

But we must also see which friends he has not (yet), and why he dares to inflate the cheeks so (it is, in terms of Turkey to Poland by recalls in 1939).

However, it is pointless to get excited too much.

Not that I want it and I support. Erdogan may be lucky if it within the next 5 years is not a Turk runs very unfriendly on the road. I would not be . Wonder

With the arrest of hundreds of military he would be the coup-was the legitimate heir after Kemal Ataturk, which is in Turkey almost unwritten law-first can avert. First.

[quote Atatürk: "Islam is a rotting corpse which poisons our land." - Cairo]

we compare the situation with Greece (while keeping the official figures for GDP and the ratio of GDP to the national debt not considered, or do you still in such publications?).

Greece, which total much better off than modern Turkey has-a disadvantage and an advantage.

The downside is that you have the € uro, and this in itself can not simply devalue Sun Also, the inflation rate shows more clearly, because cover-ups are more difficult.

The advantage is that helpful in the European Union providing financial problems.

to Turkey: Do you think that the Turks were honest with their tax offices in recent years, when the Greeks?

Do you think that in an emergency, the Turkish agriculture is more powerful than Greek?

Do you think that the Turks in a crisis, the powder keg of Kurdistan continue to suppress?

The advantage of Turkey is that it has its own currency, it devalues and when required.

The disadvantage is that they are not helped in this way in an emergency, like the Greeks.

If the Crisis by proposing to go from Turkey in the lights. When the crisis strikes, the military will have to take once again the power and Erdogan probably (once again) to prison.

(Perhaps he senses it already. For history has shown us time and again that always have the "statesmen" boomed the loudest, who had the least reason for this.)

There in Turkey most certainly a very large number of secular people. So will a crisis not only left, right and liberals are facing, but also (in some As Western thinking) free thinkers and Muslims. And the way the Kurds!

course, there could be some sort of refugees to Germany and Europe (where I assume that the military is closing the borders), but that would not matter.

millions of other Turks here would result in practice that the problem can finally comes to light, and must be solved.

The military government will let the Entgegnnahme the country people pay plenty. We must find those responsible for us.

This beautiful Propagandabildchen but today is already history. Beautiful dream ...

Ap Bio Lab Number Eight

I know ...

imagine ... it's a still, for those who still do not want to believe. Thanks to Thomas peoples!
[I hope this does not sound arrogant now. But I am one of those who run for months and years, the distribution of below-called "conspiracy theory, and Nazi propaganda." The number 50 million was mentioned again and again. The glaring at the conspiracies of the EU is that they happen to quasi public. Many know of them, some may also take the right conclusions, but it is not enough to put the object in motion. For years, I am writing to warn against this rigid and: They want to kill you all, you see that they not? Here's further proof:]

Secret Conspiracy: 50 million Africans are as workers in the EU
Link to
labor market: millions of Africans could be used to seeking employment in the EU come
Saturday, October 11 translated 2008

By Nick Fagge in Mali

Thomas peoples

As the Daily Express reveal today was, there is a far-reaching secret immigration agreements, more than invite 50 million African workers to Europe. The opening of a tax-funded "job centers" in Mali this week is only the first step towards promoting "free movement of persons in Africa and the EU". Brussels economists claim that Britain and the EU "need" 56 million foreign workers by 2050 would be to prepare for the "demographic decline" due to falling birth and increasing death rates in Europe.

The report of the European statistics agency Eurostat, warns that a huge number of migrants is needed if Europe is to have hope, to be paid in two years beginning underfunding of pension and healthcare systems with its ever-aging population. could

"Countries with low birth rates need significant numbers of immigrants in the coming decades if it the number: it performs the people want to maintain in working age. The number of people of working age are crucial to the economy and tax revenue. "
The report of the French Euro Parliament member Francoise Castex, calls for, to allow immigrants to stay legally, to give access to the social security system and to promote . Castex explains:

"It is imperative that Member States deal with the issue. You must say 'Yes, we need immigration' [...] This is not a new development, we must accept it. "
The proposals include the establishment of a "blue card" system includes analog to the American "Green Card", which is full of labor and social rights. Blue-card holders could move freely within the EU and settle in one of the 27 member countries.

Last night Sir Andrew Green said of MigrationWatchUK:

"England, together with Holland, is already the most populated country in Europe. Because of this, we need the equivalent of seven cities the size of Birmingham [ADÜ. 1 million inhabitants] in the next 25 years to build - for the immigrants the Government already expects. Once again produced the "one-size-for-alle' EU policy absurd results. The proposals are ridiculous, if they would also apply to the UK. The government must ensure that these proposals do not apply to the United Kingdom. A higher migration rate is the last thing we need, now that a recession is on the way. "
And the deputy interior minister Dominic Grieve said:

" When Ministers difficult negotiations on demonstrate how the migration can be controlled, they must make a clear statement that the national policy is not undermined through the backdoor in Brussels. "
The chairman of the British Independence Party (UKIP) Nigel Farage called the initiative as a "scandal". He said:

"recovers sooner Britain control over its immigration policy, the better."
The paper, part of the African-European partnership agreement, which last December [ADÜ. 2007 ] was signed in Portugal warns also against the negative effects of mass immigration and calls for "better integration of African immigrants" on. It also calls for a merciful dealing with the eight million illegal immigrants already living in the EU. It explains:

"Illegal immigrants not as criminals must be treated. Many risk their lives in search of freedom to a life of subsistence in Europe. As long as the EU has a higher standard of living than those in its south and east, the temptation will be to continue -. Especially if there are jobs that immigrants fill the can "
The declaration calls on the EU to assist African governments in setting up migration information centers to
"to administer the occupational mobility between Africa and the EU".
The first of these "Job Center" opened in Bamako, the capital of Mali, on Monday. It is expected that more centers to open soon in other west African countries and later in North Africa.
Yesterday, the Daily Express revealed that, in total contradiction of immigration policy, thousands of migrants - like Kanoute Tieny from Mali - up to 5,500 pounds [ADÜ. 4700 EUR] obtained if they promise to leave the EU and return to Africa. The French president wants EU-wide immigration rules to introduce the end of the year when he steps down as President of the EU. These rules are then set so that the policy proposed by the European Commission and the European Parliament. The French Immigration Minister Brice Hortefeux representing all 27 EU members in a series of short visits to West Africa to assist in the development of a strategy to provide assistance for it.

last night said the British home ministry, that Great Britain has nothing to do with this EU plan. A spokesman for the border guard said that the initiative aims to allow legal immigration into the Schengen area of the EU, not the United Kingdom belongs. The area includes most but not all Member States.

. We will therefore retain full control of our borders and our asylum system "
notes of the translator:
This article, now 3 years old shows above all: namely, that so far as conspiracy theory Nazi propaganda and dismissed testimony, there existed targeted efforts to destroy the nations of Europe, is quite correct and is supported by the bureaucratic monster in Brussels, this is not democratically legitimized Leviathans, actively promoted.

The only approach that can be used to advance a stop to, is the immediate withdrawal from the EU, securing our borders and the reversal of the previous, in the direction of the EU agreement on steps taken.

why: Out of the EU and borders!

Average Breast Sizes By Countries


racism from our society almost left verbs Deten defined as follows: the racist writes an ethnic group characteristics. Lump. That bastard!

bgesehen fact that you are so deprived of such speech and thought control of an analytical method (you may not see groups as groups, so one can predict no group behavior), it's all these bans all about "denigrate." the other group did not No one has any objection to it is said that Jews and Asians would have a high average IQ only the claim that however much it may be Hedged with sources, Arabs or Africans would have a lower average IQ, meets with resistance. Here are struggling, hurt, is excited and the speaker condemned as racist. The above-mentioned highly intelligent members of such a contested ethnic group unearthed behind the stove and stand as evidence that the general verdict must be wrong. You can leave impossible 60% of the Turks out of school when this one Turk who sits at Maybritt Illner, mathematics studied.

Imagine the reverse situation: only, not to have to be considered more intelligent than the rest of us led the Asians living in Germany before the dumbest members of their people. "There are also Vietnamese stupid! No generalizations please! "

is corrosive it right when describing a condition, such as the hostility of the Germans. If one now finds that the front line is here to actually look at the ethnic boundary, one is a racist. Non-German enemy aliens, but the one which has been described as the German hostility.

To to understand this madness, you have some basic assumptions that have internalized the modern Western societies, and their consequences, call back into memory. Manfred's Who "Dschihadsystem" at hand, which read, "p. 18f. under the heading of "xenophobia" again after. Who has not, here gets a little incentive to buy:

"No doubt it is stupid and primitive, something strange

solely classified as hostile or even inferior to stamp, because it is foreign. (...) The downside of the ban on xenophobia namely, the acceptance of hostility against their own country (not just in Germany, but in virtually all Western countries). (...) Obviously, is a self-critical attitude not only of individuals but also of the collective, as a virtue, while the rejection of foreign collectives can be regarded as reprehensible. (...) The solidarity of this varied group - especially in conflict with foreign groups - [was] always been a central social norm. Central, because a society in which they would not been necessary had not been assessed as able to survive. "(Manfred Kleine-Hartlage.. The Dschihadsystem p. 19f)

ie in Plain text follows:

I can not make sweeping statement about others, but this definitely about me and my people.

The Germans were allowed to collectively as racially inferior, the authoritarian nature of poisons as dumb as a submissive like cattle and still filled with racism and hatred describe.

No problem!

No one will show a German, of all this is not. It would namely fear that comes out that is actually not a German - but beware, this is a sweeping statement!

people who talk about sweeping statements like in the sense as those who warn us against mono-causal explanations. Here, too, agrees in principle, yes, there is always more than one cause of a situation. But the friend of the "Polykausalität" moved us also the view of the primary cause or just want to appease only (this is not Islam, are the cultural characteristics, "etc.).

Why is this so important and we do not know all that long ago?

I mention that here again to make clear that we Germans each day of a structural difference in treatment are exposed to being brazen, also still maintains that there is structural racism, which went out from us, that is a Schlechterbehandluhng of "minorities."

We can not defend qua argument, however, since we were just harmless to the moral club makes.

Add the links to be open. The "moderate" say they would not discuss with "Nazis" who want less moderate shoot us all, because they are against violence, as these slackers here.

Only when we retrieved it, this self-evident: Germany is our country (and not "also" the country), we are not a group of assholes (or as Sammy Deluxe once said "a few million ass faces with Ner face full Hämhorriden "), and we can calmly say" Turks are bad "or" Arabs are aggressive "or" the Chinese are training intent "- without always stressed that we were not generalize wanted and to the many, many counterexamples know.

The prohibition of generalizations is not a heroic victory against the seizure law, but a prohibition on thinking that we should take away an important analytical ability: the ability to evaluating groups, their characteristics, their behavior. It also should prevent us to come at the end also point out that these properties and the behavior of the groups of their ethnic origin, say, is partly determined by genetics. I stress, determined, single-cause explanations are far from me!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

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forced collectivization

of Barbarossa
German Democratic Republic (GDR)

early 1950s

"... The peasants were, depending on the size of their land divided into groups and required to levy is different. For the same yield, accepted 20 quintals per hectare of grain, the peasant had 10 quintals at a low price to the state authority may purchase, the larger farm was committed to 15 quintals.


as same was true of potatoes, sugar beet, milk, beef and pork, eggs and fruit


Many farmers have been able to because of their family size, the levy should not meet us at home did the first time five hungry mouths to be stuffed. The harvesters were going to eat. Why were these farmers are not authorized to slaughter house?


The new communist government gave the farmers in the management of their farms is not easy. By the mayor, we got a plan, and this had to be met. Depending on the size of the farm acres and was just calculated how much each farmer had to deliver on its products to the state.

For everything produced on the farm was (...) there was a target. The purchase prices were low. Only the farmer who had fulfilled its delivery should be completely allowed to sell his products on the open market.

The farmers had to get used to it that they were commanded to what they had to do.

Our neighbor was not well off, he did not make his plan set. He had long been ill, so he could not manage his court so well. This had dire consequences for him and his family: his cows gave little milk, so he could provide no more milk to be desired. For this reason he was not provided by the dairy butter.

The townspeople received food stamps, but the farmers do not because they were self-sufficient. Therefore had the neighbor and his family do without butter.


But in the next year, our neighbor was even worse, he could not be more meat should be provided.

One day there were three men in leather coats at the front door. The asked the neighbors why he had not met its state plan. They pulled the man into their car and drove off with him. He was detained in jail as a criminal. He had never done anything wrong.

wife and children struggled now alone in the economy. Many did in the village are tired, but no one dared to say something. My friend and his family, who also owned a farm in the village suffered from the States. All were afraid.

the woman could not manage the farm alone, no reference could be provided.

they came back, the men from the district council, and they looked to the court. They entered the room and said to her: "Your yard is now zwangsverpachtet."

She wept and wailed. The child screamed. The men did not mind that. "We are from the district council and the responsible party to the we can not change. "

Now a new came into the yard, first as a tenant, he brought the economy back on track.

The woman was allowed to continue living on the farm, they had two rooms assigned. Many nights they grieve her and told her brother, who lived in the town and owned a shoe store to get advice

The brother could not believe all this, his parents' farm operated a stranger and his brother was in jail. He frightened, even in the cities there have been expropriated. was released

When the brother from prison, left both men and searched their home in West Germany a new life. Wife and child moved to later.


Three more farms were with their delivery should be in arrears. The people in the village had mixed feelings - but they could not all locked up!

And again appeared the men from the district council and talked with farmers, but they should cultivate their fields and meadows in common, they called it an agricultural cooperative (LPG).

The farmers had no choice, my brother and my man on whose farm I now lived, refused to the very end. Over loudspeakers they were invited to join the new LPG. My husband did not lose his life in his head, his property, but he also had to comply. "


'Where the rooster crows in the morning! - Publisher ZEITGUT ISBN 978-3-86614-132-2

While I, Barbarossa, read these lines, these lines of terrible conditions and a terrible totalitarian dealing with people, human destiny and human biographies published in my mind all of a sudden these three figures:

believe what you act like this, and all the other "politicians" in Berlin would if they could, without resistance?

And to break this resistance, the European Union was founded!

What everyone does not know that already back home slaughter is forbidden!

What many do not know is that Künast Wowereit and the talk shows in the MSM already the word "Republic of escape" have put in the mouth!

What many do not is known that the former Federal Environment Minister Gabriel laws on the way, brought after which at a rehabilitation of more than 10% of a building component may no longer only rehabilitate yet, but then the entire component (eg, the facade, or even the whole window) bring the latest energy level must be! This is expropriation, and government intervention in the property!

people! There is no West, we could escape to when it is uncomfortable here!

I'm not talking only of farmers. I am also thinking of entrepreneurs, home owners and all the other hardworking people in

this country and in this Continent. notice because you: What can not take away the Communist hard-working, he destroyed him.

In worse idea

`I soon see similar conditions described above here in Germany. And avoided giving the wrong impression: In real sense, the CDU, with its Chairman Merkel also a Communist Party.

ALL governing parties in Germany are communist parties. And the European Union anyway. Meanwhile, one must finally be aware of.

It will not be long that


the focus of the "state" device.

supplement of Kairos:

In the oppressive tax burden, and all the climate hysteria, which I also as a catalyst for expropriation (and reallocation of funds and economic power in the Third World ) look at are the things that appeals to Barbarossa, almost "Peanuts."

We have grown used to these conditions. Anyone who reads here knows also that the Turks also insure their parents in the (deutschen!!) Statutory health insurance can.

And the socialist ideology does not stop, ever tries to flatten each vertical social difference, financial, material, educational, ethnic.

is the unspoken motto of this regime:

Dear all poor and stupid all to have to tolerate than differences!

Thank Barbarossa, for the insight!

After Supplement of Barbarossa:

The true creed of the Eurocracy is: Not free, but surely.

Not much, but enough.

Not free, but safe (loves violence against foreigners = the citizens that protects it strong state, although the state has created these conditions only, and although the creation of security, the other freedoms were ground).

Not much, but enough (the Bolshevik theorists-the pretty have seen-before changes in the impoverishment of the masses, and the result will be masses who are happy to be reasonably satisfied, and make no other claims no substantive claims. and power demands have the same Not at all!).

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What Short

Barbarossa recommended me, they want "was short" position. As "Slow" is currently not in it (and temporally). This looks at him like this:

may sake of completeness, be allowed to point out that Dr. Thilo Sarrazin from the board of the Bundesbank was eliminated, but is still holding a PhD title.

I try sometimes turn:


Monica Marion replied to Bahners bekacktes book
. What I lack in their article is the following observation: Without Muslim immigrants we would not have all the crappy problems.


Sorry, not every day that what's new. Guest contributions unless they have a certain level, take we always enjoyed.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

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PI - shame on you!



I said
end Guti gets that he waived his Ph.D., yet the "Award for Courage," got just as disgusting Käßmann it has one that she got drunk down - and then said, "but I stand to it!"


Guttenberg is "defended." On PI

"but so much courage, moral courage and self-respect, a committed, nor to admit to serious mistakes in public and on camera is to imitate him until someone!"

As with the cheese man! Exactly the same! And
is purely even to the theater!

If PI not see through that Guttenberg only one of many completely interchangeable "Politburo" clowns, is the only way to do
as if they would govern our country, I can also read online world.

PI is for me to become a part of there always so sharply criticized the "MSM" has become. I have already frequently pointed out that
pro-Israeli and pro-American-(especially lack of pro-German) attitude piss off me.

How well does the siren in some PI-users to see when you look

commentator criticized three namely the article:

.. The image of fraternity shows so in 1848 this group of students damlas the intellectual ground of presented to today's right-We should their anti-Semitic thinking, offer a forum. "

Who has such a shit in the brain, which is beyond help. Say after all the other commentators here in the thread.

PI sees himself as a crusader against so links, many articles are about the "good guy", the left-gooders, the ridiculous Characters who are trapped in the chains of political correctness.

where "Politically Incorrect" anything but free from this form of coercion to conformity. If all the other accents. But the really hot topics are not touched (I will however like to discuss in more detail in the near future so), nor the right conclusions drawn from the situation.

Many PI-users, who noted that they are questioning the official version of Heisig's not suicide, or even questions of 9 / 11 may provide, suspicious.

this act, the team of PI and the master commentators often go hand in hand: while to delete an unwanted, but eloquently put forward opinions and create the impression that all opponents of the PI-line are stupid, the commentators fall over each of her who writes something that is outside of their political world view.

the intranet of the party "freedom"
the gun these people is not the argument, but the denigration. The speech ban, the prohibition on thinking. And to top off the display of sedition.

Shame on you, you who you about the "good guy" makes fun and even more obstinate, self-righteous and arrogant are!

PI I always thought a "good start" and "necessary", etc. to achieve mainly because so many people but I must confess that for me the measure of full.

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The swindler

Introduction of Cairo

I think the Fact that all the noble Guti deal too much of honor for this silly, vain fop. As I wrote in Kewil half of the other politicians would surely lose the Dr., especially Mom, if someone nachsähe. But this is not the problem,

end Guti gets that he waived his Ph.D., yet the "Award for Courage," got just as disgusting for a Käßmann added that she drove drunk - and then said, "but I stand to it!"

So be it, the article that Barbarossa has made this is too good to go moldy in my mailbox ...

Merkel says Guttenberg support to
of Barbarossa

announced today that has "Chancellor Angela Merkel, Defence Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg ostentatiously strengthening the back." further:

"As reported is, they hinted on Monday that they would stick to the Minister even if it the doctorate be withdrawn because of Plagiierens "

And the reason Mrs. Dr. Angela Merkel

-. on their own thesis officially it is widespread:

Merkel's work is considered lost -

is for them alone, his work as Minister essential, and he was making "excellent," said Merkel in Berlin. you did not see him as a research assistant and holds a Doctorate called to say "We


mums are
nunmal so mums are very much understanding
extent surprised us the understanding of the little impudent liar Karl-Theodor not. .

On the contrary, since the photo with the AC / DC T-shirt had to know that lies a little devil in him.

But much worse as the trifle with the thesis would have been, Karl-Theodor had in his well many years of study time involved right-wing extremist! Gelle?

And for another, very very honest soul-set and is committed to mother:

For a finance minister who used to be 100,000, - forgot Mark in the drawer:

No problem.
could happen once ...
[Cairo says: Watch the video necessarily, because you can see how ready is our federal mom.] Conclusion:

is the whole, this process-Ex-doctor to Guttenberg was in fact still remain in office-another logical coffin nail in the power of political "class" of today's Republic.

from the value just below her (or actually not above?) By the person making the "twentieth" actually said that Islam belongs to ...

SO STUPID the people is not for me. On the contrary!

postscript of Kairos:

The Olle of the dude does is just so ridiculous. While accused us care for our children is pure ideology and propaganda (in the best Case, the worst we are still in prison, because we want to protect
our children and our children
only), the embarrassment of making programs come to life and write books.

We all know that it is the couple zu Guttenberg here and in other actions just vile publicity. The children are still shit.

I am convinced that we start have all these actors, who act as if they were politicians or journalists, all of these empty shells that do this, as if they were real people to make fun of. Yes, we have to make fun of them, they are no longer taken seriously and reflects this clearly. Fuck the whole circus monkeys Berlin! Mocked them, where you can order us in the future as this propaganda spared: