Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Invitation Suggestions For A 35th Birthday

Go shit, Mayzek!

You may please not be surprised about my anger and my abusive language.

After the first few rows this article it was clear that the brawn of either Ströbele Ghost Writer or a bottle like the Vorzeigemohammedaner Mayzek (FDP - for those who remember him, he has not come off!) Was written can be.

He goes to all the lies and half truths that you can fly through the connection of Islam with the West indicated. I am reminded of earlier texts from him - he always writes the same namely Schmu. Someone with more patience I should check times, what percentage of Mayzek itself depreciates, I guess 90%.

shines on talk shows he is not just by arguments. But that is not his strategy. He will not convince, but to win, dominate the conversation. He puffed up, sülzt always the same shit to himself and when someone says that critical, then always get the same response: "Yes, yes, I know your lyre, Mr Bosbach!"

We Leave the fingers sore to you the truth to keep in mind. While we are persecuted and imprisoned for our opinion should people who destroy our culture do continue through the talk shows and parties, hiking, participating in public events and give their two cents to everything and everyone.

Islam has always been a stumbling block to progress, any cultural achievement, which the Arabs have made, they have made AGAINST Islam, to defend against him.

If the women do not laugh in Afghanistan under their veil may be the ne cultural particularity when an Arab to be mathematicians is Islam .. thank?

No, folks, it's REVERSED!

Read Manfred Book and our articles on Islamic history in the Counterjihad.

What have you learned in school is bullshit. Europe, Islam has brought nothing but war, suffering and death. Until the 19th Century Islamic slave traders have made the European coasts is uncertain, the Turks have always ausgeplünder Austrian villages, until they finally struck back. Today they are - not through the back but the front door - again came in and act on German roads as well as their ancestors. And I just do not come now "so are not even all" with If only it would be one, that would be reason enough at least to send him home. The massive jihad on our roads but we have to have a war (say "internal war", at least a "war-like situation" in it should be) talking.

And Michel heaps it not because he just looks and reads the evening news daft shit from Mayzek at WO. That the comments are overwhelmingly negative consolation only in passing.

is hottest at this sentence:

"And to this day Euro-Arab Malta, the European-Muslim Balkans, the Orient from culturally imbued Sicily and the 500-year-old enclave the Muslim Tatars in Poland are an A fitting testimony of Muslim presence in Europe. "

's right, Muslim from the raids to capture the child's kidnapping and the attempt Europe are a testimony of ethnic war that was waged against Southern Europe (" mixing "is a too feeble word for mass rapes of occupiers).

Open your eyes, people, let not kidding you!

these liars up their cause too safe. If the people will wake up once they pass before the malicious grin. I wait with longing for the day on which they receive what they deserve.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Breach Of Confidentiality In Daycare

The three major injuries

It has in everyday life far too rarely have time to deal with their own spirituality, to ask the right questions - possibly even get answers.

I often envy the Christians who communicate once a week with her Lord in Gruppenextase and also as an individual at any time hold an unofficial conversation with him.

I have something serious, because I find other approaches to God than the Christian must, for reasons which I have already discussed too well.

Sometimes you get lucky, however, and may reside in a cloudless night outside major cities and take a long look at the stars.

One thing that was thought lost, is found in such a moment now and again:


And you realize that the stars are not infinitely distant suns as they're not. No doubt they are just that, as we know through research that is not the problem. The problem is the underlying ideology, which we regard as a mistake, "science".

Freud is one of three major injuries of man through science:

  1. to the Copernican, not the center of the universe be
  2. The Darwinist, being descended from apes
  3. The
  4. to be Freudian, not the master of your own spirit.

Undoubtedly, No. 3 just a test of one's own pseudo-scientific "theory" credibility and a heroic gloss to give.

Most of Freud's assumptions are based on the analysis of hysterical women, and he makes countless unproven assumptions.

Just one example: for Freud dreams are always dreams. Thus, if a mother dreams that her son would run over by a train, then it is not worried - no! She wants to have sex with her son (who does not believe me read Freud's Interpretation of Dreams - but at your own risk).

I am convinced that an intelligent, healthy adult men (women not me out because I find it unreasonable to believe, but because I am not a woman and therefore has no inner insight into the female Readers are called here to make communication) has no unconscious.


Already in from today's perspective rather prudish society in which Freud's research, knew one who was capable of self-reflection, which it desires drives. Often, and one is not honest enough to admit subliminal aversion or greed, but if one is used to want to even in the dialogue, then you can own up to quite, to the neighbor's wife to be sharp - and especially by raising awareness this drive the otherwise pre fall (or a substitute) to prevent.

Exactly this is also what Freud does in his "psychoanalysis" - He tries to make the patients aware of their unconscious, so that they can act rationally again.

is not permitted its generalization to all people.

The alleged unconscious is still a weapon in the fight against the self-employed people. Psychiatrist and shrink us take the ability of our own problems to get a grip. The increase of mental disorders in recent years is easily explained by the simultaneously occurring Vermerhung of psychological practices.

So much for Freud.

descended from the apes seems to me not necessarily being an insult, even if many Christians and Muslims see it that way. Where are we supposed to come from if not from the animal kingdom? (Yes, yes, I know. I hear the message well but lack of faith).

bad it is only when we see with this origin, the philosophical question 'where do we come from? "Answered conclusively (see eg Precht" who I am and if so how many "Chapter 1) . Then we reduce ourselves to the matter and our mind goes to sleep.

So it is with the stars. It may be that the earth is only a speck of dust in an infinitely large and infinitely dead universe. So what?

Actually, such a recognition result in one's own existence as no longer regarded as important. The opposite is the case! Alone the infinite universe, there are compared to the individual as the only anchor themselves an unnatural fear of his own demise and a focus of desire to, tangible, quickly satisfying needs is the result. This is a bowl depression that paralyzes action. It's so small! Total individual freedom can be such only by to drink completely unconscious (to smoke pot, etc.).

bonds against it - worldly bonds - are the ones we are back to the universe, able to build up to something bigger. Anyone who has children is committed at least half the lifetime of care of them, who are socially committed determines the life around him, instead taking refuge in the solitude of thought or virtual worlds, who is fighting for his country shows that of the aforementioned things are important enough that he is giving his own life to achieve this. He proves that he can think beyond themselves. If you start to build a church, their completion, he will not live with security, has embraced this principle.

The described behind the type of "scientific" and the philosophy of the Enlightenment ideology of unfettered individualism Related to atrophy and Beyond has the ability in us to such over them.

We urge all the pleasures of the world for us, but are not ready to produce a future generation, which can just enjoy these pleasures.

Modern man is not finished, it is an end.

Allen, I like the answers to their questions can not find in Christianity, is in for a rocky road, a search on spiritual paths not known before, the redevelopment of the spiritual forces of Europe. I would be pleased if our Christian brothers and sisters to us in this way with words and deeds stood if we could learn from each other instead of us to understand as the enemy.

Ultimately, the realization that together, we will only be able to win instead of reamed us in endless confrontations, of central importance. verherrte

as 1755, a Lisbon earthquake led to the New edition of the theodicy. Why does God do this?

And we face the big bang question why our enemies are so strong and we are so weak. And we despair at the thought of having to pass this war without the assistance of a Tranzsendenz.

Dear comrades, my brothers and sisters, let me show you that the divine spark in you all the slumbers. Then you will have the courage to find upcoming weeks to get through the darkness and move forward into a new era.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Timex Indiglo Alarm Clock Instructions T619t


After 3 day Dütsch country bini glad channi again chattering like me de Schnabel gwachse manner. For s'Gschäft bini yes to the new program s workshop, where's nöchschtens eus uf s'Aug drucked. InDesign is called the thing. Eastern nöd much as andersch s'ander, numerical and lush with gspickt allner can think of menus and options. Nearly 10% I will devo chönne bruche. Anyway. De erscht days severally thus ziemli aastrengend gsi and nöd würkli uf d'zuegschnitte participants. Fully ko simmer Dänner aaschlüssend go and eat mitenand nacheme churze nightcap in the hotel, gli is Zeinli. EN 2 Days would decide gsi exciting manner, will exactly abgstimmt uf eus. In no time table d'Ziit rooms gsi and mer eus hands it to the taxi Bstellt station. And what manner because cho waseli was ... Dene three daily highlight mis vo ...

Pforzheim severally Susch nöd würkli size: exciting, but it shows vo de schönschte Siite

etz au I know again why I like to ride nöd train. De Heiweg Fascht manner no mutated to Adventure. Euse train size: Verspötig, Folgezug nöd waiting, driving, no meh ... that is, after endless Ziit uf chalten station simmer over Dänner Detour and almost no Verspötig aaglangt arrived. D trains are on time or no zueverlässig with e luggage disaster. Retour de hammering Dänner grad iibaut detour and are well keep wenigschtens glandet dehei. Conclusion, en train hani uf gstriche to another. Looking forward uf mis gem, but there weissi han wasi ;-) and if klappet nöd, channi me a straight-nose de neh.

Morn hammering MINI-GM. Git safely back en exciting Abig with total Lüüt nice. But in the manner Bescht Amig mini companion. The 3 gröschte Cavaliers sorged always Rundi Aafahrt. Chunnt guet ...